(1Cor 11:10) For this cause ought the woman to have POWER ON HER HEAD because of the angels.
This examination of the headship covering ordinance is framed upon a verse-by-verse study of 1 Corinthians 11:1-16. The objective is to diligently and honestly seek the Spirit’s mind in giving this ordinance, and to consider the reasons the churches of Christ should not disregard it. While my primary purpose is to affirm this doctrine, a secondary aim is to consider the counter-arguments.
Four resources have particularly contributed to the material in this article. The first is a three-part sermon series on head coverings by Finny Kuruvilla, and the second is an essay by Bruce Terry entitled, “No Such Custom.” These two highly qualified scholars deserve to be heard on this subject because they were not raised in the Anabaptist tradition as I was. Third, E.H Skofield’s book, “Sunset of the Western Church” is an eye-opening resource. Finally, John Chrysostom’s 4th century Homily XXVI on 1 Corinthians is well worth reading.
The historical record is clear that from the time of the Apostles down to the 20th century, the standard practice in Christendom was for Christian women to wear some kind of head covering. Art and wall engravings show this from the very earliest times of the Church Age. Indeed, it was of such universal practice that the early church writers did not address the subject in depth, but simply acknowledged that women wore veilings as a standard rule. In Africa however, Tertullian wrote a book on the subject in the 2nd century (On the Veiling of Virgins).
Nevertheless, this once commonly practiced Christian doctrine has become a flash-point of contention, not only in Christianity in general, but in Anabaptist circles that have known and kept this ordinance for centuries. It is imperative to return to the Word and honestly seek the truth of this matter, for the quality of a house cannot exceed the quality of its foundation.
Introducing the author
A person’s beliefs and perspectives are largely shaped by his upbringing and life experiences. Then, we tend to filter our ideas through that particular frame of reference, or bias. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because a writer without a firm belief on a subject usually lacks motivation and conviction in his writing. Nevertheless, one essential principle must over-ride an author’s personal bias and that is a keen commitment to seeking the whole truth of a matter – not just giving evidences for a pre-determined belief, but honestly looking for the real, accurate state of things.
Unfortunately, Truth is not a measure that many writers use these days. They have already decided their “truth agenda,” and are only interested in shouting their proofs, no matter how speculative, capricious or illogical. But that is plain and simple propaganda. The true seeker, meanwhile, is not just interested in exploring the points for and against, but in getting to the bottom of the whole story, so to speak. This is ever-so important when taking in hand the infallible Word of God. It is dishonest to simply compile proofs without considering the counter arguments, or to take only those verses that support your ideas and ignore the ones that do not. Much deception and false teaching has sprung from that approach.
My own formative years and prejudices were developed in the conservative Mennonite tradition. Although born and raised in Anabaptist churches, I have spent my entire life far from their famous centers. My first 20+ years, I lived in Missouri, Minnesota, Montana and Belize. Then I married a girl from Maryland and moved to a new church-plant in Idaho for the next 20 years. However, I apparently inherited my father’s aversion to staying very long at one place, because soon after our last son was born, we moved to southern Chile on another church-plant. We have lived in Patagonia for about 15 years now.
My life experience has been one of blessed positives. I grew up in a family with good parents who cared for us children. They were examples of integrity in everyday life, as well as supportive members in sincere, God-honoring churches. So I have no wounds or traumatic experiences. Not that I lived in a perfect world, but my life has been tremendously blessed. A wonderful wife and five children who continue to serve the Lord being the best of all. My ancestors go back centuries in the Anabaptist tradition and their testimonies of fervent zeal for the Truth have made it easier for me to believe in God, Faith, Tradition, Family and Church. So that is my bias.
The Corinthians’ question
(1Cor 11:1-2) Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.
The Apostle Paul wrote the epistle to the Corinthians in response to a letter they had sent asking him to clarify several church doctrines – eating meat offered to idols, marriage and singlehood, speaking in tongues, the resurrection, etc. Their letter has not survived, but chapter 11 is clearly dedicated to addressing two of their questions. The first part concerns the ordinance of the headship covering and the second part concerns the ordinance of communion.
Scholars have tried to reconstruct the wording of the church’s inquiry in order to better understand the Apostle’s answer. Perhaps it was something like, “Is it lawful for a Christian woman to go about unveiled?” Certainly, from the material of this passage it is reasonable to infer that some of the Christian women in Corinth were taking off their head-coverings, and thus their question.
Yet, it is quite possible that the Corinthian’s inquiry actually concerned the men: “Should Christian men cover their heads when praying and prophesying?” For interestingly, both men and women in the Roman Empire during the 2nd century were generally accustomed to wearing a head-covering for religious reasons (see page 20). Thus, the Bible’s injunction against head-coverings for men meant that they were much more affected by this ordinance than women in the early churches of Christ.
In today’s society, it’s the other way around. Women are more affected than men. Throughout this passage however, the Spirit gives the instruction to both men and women in alternating fashion – first the commandment for men and then the commandment for women. The ordinance is directed in equal measure to both.
Apparently only a few in Corinth were disregarding this doctrine. This we infer from the contrasting statements when the Apostle changes topics: “Now I praise you, brethren, for keeping the ordinances (v2)…Now in what I am about to say unto you, I praise you not” (v17). They were better at keeping the ordinance of the covered/uncovered head than the ordinance of communion.
The character of divine revelation
The Greek word for ordinance (paradosis) appears about a dozen times in the NT. It is sometimes translated tradition (Mark 7:3-13; Gal 1:14; Col 2:8; 2Thes 2:15; 2Thes 3:6). Obviously, the Apostles did not coin new words in writing the Bible, but used well-known ones that their readers would readily recognize. Those words might generate new connotations when used in Scripture contexts, but their basic meanings continue unchanged.
It is helpful to study the meanings and connotations of commonly used words in the Scriptures by comparing their usages elsewhere. The New Testament is the top source, for it was written in a short period of time and upon the same theme. The Septuagint, although written several centuries earlier, is also a good source to study Greek word meanings. In light of the above, ancient secular Greek writings are of much lesser value in studying New Testament words.
Paradosis is used in the New Testament in three contexts:
- In reference to the so-called “oral law” of the Jews, which was an interpretation of the Torah according to the Pharisees. Jesus criticized the oral law as human subversion of God’s commandments (Mat 15:1-9).
- In reference to the doctrines and teachings of Christ and the Apostles in the New Covenant. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions (paradosis) which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2Thes 2:15).
- In reference to the ungodly practices of the World. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition (paradosis) of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ (Col 2:8).
In each of these contexts the meaning of paradosis is consistent – they are doctrines and teachings. Clearly, the teachings of Scripture (i.e. 1 Corinthians 11) concern the doctrines of the Christian faith, and that’s why the Apostle commends them for following the paradosis just as he had taught them. Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered unto you (Rom 6:17).
The sober weight of the paradosis of the Faith is evident in 2 Thessalonians 3:6, Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition (paradosis) which ye received of us. This is a serious order, given in the force of Christ’s own name, to not even associate with those who do not live according to the paradosis of the Apostles. Stand fast, and hold the traditions (paradosis) which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2Thes 2:15).
The doctrines of Christ were received by the Apostles either by divine revelation or verbal teaching (Acts 1:3; Gal 1:12) and then delivered (Greek –paradidomi) unto the churches. This is the verb form of paradosis, and means “to surrender, yield up, entrust.” Later Paul says: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered (paradidomi) unto you (1Cor 11:23; 15:3). And, If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord (1Cor 14:37). This is the consistent testimony of the Apostles concerning their epistles to the churches.
Therefore, the words of the Apostle are substantially rooted in the authority of Christ Himself: “I praise you for keeping the ordinances (paradosis) just as I delivered (paradidomi) them to you.” And it implies that someone has brought from afar this set of teachings for the churches of Christ. The Apostles “received” the Gospel from the Spirit of Christ and “carried” it unto the far reaches of the world, where they “delivered” it to the churches of the Kingdom. The doctrines of Christ did not originate in Corinth, they were delivered to Corinth. What hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it? (1Cor 4:7).
Many of the doctrines of Christianity do not come naturally to the human mind, that is, they cannot be derived by simple mental exercise. They come from an external source and must be taught (Rom 10:14). Yes, there is a nucleus of truths that is pre-installed in the human conscience – don’t lie, steal or kill, for instance – but most doctrines of the Faith need to be delivered to the human mind by a messenger party. The Scriptures are the divine revelation of Christ and were delivered to us for that purpose.
The natural mind cannot receive the things of God; to him they are foolishness because they must be spiritually discerned (1Cor 2:14). This is true of the ordinance of the Christian woman’s covering. The cultures of the world think it is foolishness. They cannot understand. In studying the Word however, the spiritual mind is able to see the beautiful purposes of God in this doctrine. It comes from external, divine source and falls logical and kind upon hearts attuned to the Spirit of God. This we hope to show.
The church in Corinth had forgotten/neglected some of the doctrines of Christ that Paul and taught them, so the Apostle sent them this letter and also Timothy, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church (1Cor 4:17).
The Apostle Paul took this responsibility very seriously, saying: “I am appointed a steward of the mysteries of God and I exercise that duty as faithfully and honestly as I can, for I know that I will be judged by Him” (1Cor 4:1-4). So Paul was very careful to teach only what he had received and always advised if he had no direct word from the Lord on a matter (see 1Cor 7:6, 10, 12, 25). He makes no such advertisement anywhere in chapter eleven. Instead, he portrays this commandment as having its origin in the mind of God at the Creation of the world.
The doctrines of the New Testament are authenticated anew in chapter fifteen. Moreover, brethren, I declare (again) unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received…For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received (1Cor 15:1-3). Paul did not advance his own ideas, but the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ. He accepted this calling as a sober duty (1Cor 9:16).
The seven ordinances of the Christian Faith
The New Testament commands the churches of Christ to observe several rituals that do not directly derive from that great Law of Christ, “Love God and thy brother also.” Every righteous principle in the Bible can be traced to a foundation upon the universal law of Love (Mat 22:37-40). The ordinances however, are not part of this divine set of principles. Instead, they are simple physical rites or practices that are intended to remind us of those principles. The Old Testament had hundreds of ordinances that illustrated spiritual truths, but for the New Testament, Christ instituted just a few important ones. They are:
- Baptism (Mat 28:19)
- Holy Communion (1Cor 11:23-30)
- Feetwashing (John 13:3-17)
- Headship Veiling (1Cor 11:3-16)
- Christian Salutation (1Thes 5:26)
- Anointing with Oil (James 5:14)
- Marriage (Mat 19:4-6)
Each ordinance is found in the New Testament in command form, yet many churches have not taught and kept them. Often they remain in the church’s theological catalog, but are ignored in practice or “updated” to fit more comfortably in contemporary cultural norms and ideas. Even Baptism and Communion have suffered great loss of esteem. Some think they are optional. The call has become more urgent: Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2Thes 2:15).
While the Old Covenant prescribed the exact steps for observing the ordinances of the Law, the New Testament is strikingly silent on the precise details of its ordinances. The mode of Baptism for instance, is not expressly described. Water poured on the head? The whole body immersed? Surely the Spirit purposely omitted those details so that the deeper meanings would not be forgotten by focusing on the physical, for the final purpose of keeping the ordinances is to live according to their underlying principles. While important to perform, the simple action of water upon the physical body is not the end of matter, but the deeper, spiritual action of cleansing the soul.
The ordinances are not simply physical analogies to remind us of spiritual truths. They are packed with layers of faith-building significations and they open the doors of God’s blessing and grace (ie John 13:17). The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper for instance, has five meanings. First, it is a thanksgiving memorial of the work of Jesus Christ in redeeming mankind from their sins (1Cor 11:23-25). Second, it is a personal re-commitment to lay down one’s will to do God’s will and to bear sufferings as Christ did (Mat 26:42; Php 3:10). Third, it is a periodic moment for each Christian to re-examine his life to be sure that no sins have crept in (1Cor 11:27-30). Fourth, it is a sober, close fellowship of the Head with the local Body, of receiving from Him the spiritual bread that endures unto eternal life (1Cor 10:16-21; John 6:35). And fifth, it remembers and announces the imminent return of the Lord for His own (1Cor 11:26). These truths are beautifully framed in the simple ceremony of the entire church body partaking together of the emblems of bread and the fruit of the vine.
The same is true of Baptism, Marriage, Feetwashing and the rest. Accordingly, the ordinance of the headship covering teaches three essential truths for God’s people. The present study returns again and again to these three foundational truths.
- Authority and submission is the first principle taught by the ordinance of the headship veiling. God is a God of order and structure. Time and the universe follow the laws that He ordained in the beginning, both in the physical and spiritual realms. God made Mankind in His own image, but different – He created them male and female. He gave the male a job to do and created him with the unique traits he would need for that work. He gave the female a job to do also, and created her with the unique traits she would need for that work. While the true Church rejoices in those beautiful differences, the World wants to erase them. It teaches that the woman is of little value in her femininity; she needs to become manly. The man, meanwhile, must not act in his authority, for the woman is his equal in authority. The headship veiling helps the people of God to remember that is not how God ordained it.
- Humility and meekness is the second principle that the woman’s covered head and the man’s uncovered head teaches. Humility is the first and most basic attitude of the Christian faith. Salvation begins with a person humbling himself to petition Christ for mercy. The first three Beatitudes have to do with humility. The glory of God is perfect in every sense, but the glory of Mankind is fallen and corrupted with pride. He must humble himself to be glorified. The woman is a unique symbol of Mankinds’s glory; she is the higher glory of the species. Since Mankind’s glory must be covered, so too should the woman be veiled. The opposite pole reveals the same scene, for while humility is at the very root of true religion, pride is at the root of all sin. To take my own way in life is PRIDE, to think that my mind’s reasoning is right above all others is PRIDE; to follow my own private interpretation of God’s word is PRIDE; to ignore the authorities in my life is PRIDE. The symbolism of the covered/uncovered head teaches these principles of humility, meekness and submission.
- Modesty is the third principle of the Christian woman’s veiling. God ordained that His people lead a modest, pure, peaceable life. Since He created us in His own image, it is incumbent upon us to dress and live honorably, modestly, soberly, and as befits all humble, submissive subjects of the Great King. It is a principle true for all in the church, but especially for women, because in this passage, she presents to the world particular characteristics of the God who was made flesh, Jesus Christ, the ultimate example of living in purity, modesty and submission. Modesty is choosing to glorify God instead of drawing attention to self. It is developing moral integrity and beauty of character. Modesty cares about the internal part of man and not the external.
These three principles are desperately lacking in present-day churches of Christ! Authority is scorned and rebellion is celebrated. To submit is to be weak. Humility and meekness are absolutely forgotten in the mad rush to glorify self and name. And modesty? In many churches, there is virtually no difference between the ideas and practices of the culture and the members of the church. If there was ever a time that this ordinance is needed, it is now.
The same chapter that teaches one the most popular ordinances (Communion) also teaches the least popular (the Headship Veiling). God instituted the Communion ordinance to help us remember some important things. Couldn’t we remember them without doing the commandment? Perhaps, but that is not ours to question. Instead, let us read the Word of God as a child who listens and believes what his father says and is eager to learn from him. Maybe not understanding every detail, but accepting it anyway and doing it.
How important is it to God that we keep His ordinances? After all, we’ve just said that they are not part of the Love Commandment; they’re basically just physical types of spiritual truths. I wonder how Moses would answer that question. The meekest man who ever lived failed to obey God in one small detail and was punished severely. He was denied the privilege of leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land. No, he didn’t break one of the Ten Commandments, nor did he infringe one of the Laws of God for that matter. He just did not follow His instructions carefully enough – he struck the rock when God had told him to speak to it. Perhaps Moses never knew the seriousness of his sin, but by striking the rock, he marred a type of Christ (1Cor 10:4; Num 20:11-12), for he had already struck the Rock on an earlier occasion (Ex 17:6) and Christ was smitten only once.
Breaking an ordinance or type is no small disobedience because it ruins a designed witness to the Truth of God’s Word. Again, He is a God of order and structure. To act or live contrary to His ordained designs is to destroy a testimony that would speak to seeking souls, but now they will never see it – all because God’s people were not careful to follow the pattern He has shown to us (Heb 8:5).
The seriousness of this kind of insubordination is seen in the very chapter under study. Many in Corinth were weak and sickly on account of participating in the ordinance of Communion unworthily. Some were even asleep (1Cor 11:27:31). They were spiritually harmed by not keeping the ordinance just as it had been delivered to them.
The Scriptures contain many such examples, like the death angel which passed through Egypt. He looked for a simple physical sign from each Israelite family – blood on the upper and two side posts of the door. To disobey the commandment meant certain death for the firstborn. Remember also the many laws of uncleanness. The man that refused to purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from among the congregation (Num 19:20). Jesus usually requested a physical sign of those who asked Him for healing. May God’s people take warning.
We deprive ourselves of blessing if we take the ordinances to be simple tests of obedience. No! They carry spiritual weight and power in some sense, not as “good religious charms” but as reasons for God to grace the people of His fold. He is looking for men and women whose hearts are set on Him. To honor His ordinances is to demonstrate allegiance to Him, and these are the people He rejoices to bless.
Consider the example of the beginnings of the Anabaptist movement. Several centuries after Christ, the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were completely corrupted by that false prophet, the Roman Catholic Church. Repent and be baptized was changed to baptism of infants, and the Lord’s Supper became a wafer handed out at Sunday mass that supposedly changed into the literal body of Christ. It is no surprise that the visible church’s dive into false teaching and wickedness paralleled its neglect of these ordinances, for only by keeping the ordinances just as they were delivered are their meanings and power preserved.
Consequently, when the Anabaptists in 1525 joined together for the first known believer’s baptism service in 1000 years, the doors of heaven’s grace were opened. The supernatural power of that movement was so potent and successful that it was exceeded only by the evangelism of the Twelve Apostles. The new church exploded on the scene in Europe and grew exponentially in spite of heavy persecution.
We believe that if society is to recover the frightful ground that has been lost in regards to male and female roles, sex, gender and marriage, then the churches of Christ must return to keeping God’s ordinance just as it was delivered.
The continuing importance of the Headship Veiling
Finny Kuruvilla remembered a cartoon of two mechanics standing in a airport hangar – not the brightest of specimens, with smudged jackets, tools protruding here and there. They’re looking down at the floor as one says, “That’s funny, I wonder where that bolt came from.” And behind them, up in the air, a passenger jet is falling to the ground in two pieces.
It’s just a comic, but it begs the question, “What is the most important piece in an airplane?” Why, it’s that piece lying on the ground in the hanger! Only a bolt, but suddenly the success of the whole flight depends upon that piece. Maybe you won’t agree with me here, but I see the airplane of Christianity falling out of the sky. Denominations that used to believe in the authority of Scripture and holiness in life have fallen far from those truths. Shocking, wicked ideas are being promoted over church pulpits; shameful acts and lifestyles are permitted to flourish even in their church members. A hundred years ago, the most radical professor of psychology could not have predicted what is accepted and promoted in many churches today.
What happened?
I propose that an important bolt was ignored back on the hangar floor – this very ordinance of the woman’s veiling and its underlying principles of submission to authority, humbleness of mind and a life of modesty. The long slide began in earnest when churches began to ignore the veiling of women. That first step of disobedience led to another step: abandoning modesty. Women began wearing clothes that showed off their bodies and then took off their clothes in even more shameful exposure. Of course, that led quickly to step three: fornication and adultery entered the churches and essentially wrecked the family by divorce and remarriage. Then came step four: feminists took to the streets to demand gender equality and women’s rights. Many churches, already compromised by the foregoing steps, actually embraced their false doctrine. And that led directly to step five: the perversions of pornography, homosexuality, open immorality and gay marriage. Step six went horrifying further: the deviant gender identity movement, men claiming to be women and women acting like men, even surgically changing their body parts to further their wickedness. What can possibly be next?
If you think it a stretch to throw the blame for this slide into Gomorrah on churches for neglecting to teach the veiling of women, then consider the overwhelming case study of the Anabaptists and like-minded group that never stopped following this ordinance. Their churches are not struggling with these problems of divorce, homosexuality, immodest dress, radical feminism, sex changes and the like. The bolt is still in place and the airplane is still in flight. Yes, we too are feeling the effects and influences of a wicked society and our churches are not perfect either, but we do not have this slate of deeply wicked, aberrant actions that have always brought the judgment of God upon such people.
Churches and Christians take heart. You’re doing the right thing by “keeping the ordinance just as Paul delivered it.” Don’t listen to the voices of modern Christianity that constantly say, “My, my, what an obsolete, quaint practice! Why don’t you stop following those old ‘traditions’ and join us in the 21st century?”
Hear this: the commandments of God not only work, they are for our benefit and blessing. Embrace them! Rejoice in them! They are God’s all-wise, perfect design. Let’s be like David. O how I love Thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Thou through Thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies… I have more understanding than all my teachers…I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Thy precepts…How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Ps 119:97-105). David savored the Word, he loved the Law and rejoiced to do its commandments. How much more should we love to do the new Law of Christ.
Studies show that only about 10% of Christian children follow the faith of their parents. Anabaptist churches have a much better percentage. I don’t say it for self-glorification, but to recognize the tremendous blessing that we enjoy on account of the faithfulness of our forefathers. Yes, there are bad examples in Anabaptism, but Truth is impervious to the flow of time and not conditioned upon human acceptance or rejection. It is still truth, even when nobody does it or believes it.
The problem is our common human tendency to justify beliefs and actions even in the face of insurmountable facts to the contrary. Think of the evolutionists, the feminists, the politicians and a host of other humanities. Christians are not immune! We want so much to believe a certain way, or believe that something is true, that we ignore good common sense. Suddenly we profess to believe what is impossible, or very unlikely.
You’re playing an important game and the ball falls on the line – everyone on your team is convinced it was in; everyone on the other side is sure that it was out. All want so desperately to have the truth be in their favor that good judgment flies out the window. The person who wishes very much for something to be true, will say and believe anything to “make it true.” For him, the truth of the case is already decided; all that remains is to argue for his side. This is a grave danger when reading the Bible.
There are three basic lines of argument against the ordinance of the woman’s head covering:
- Paul was simply applauding a cultural custom and nothing more. This is not a mandate that in the churches of the Kingdom women are to cover their heads and men are to keep their heads uncovered.
- Paul does not teach to cover the hair with a veil, but that the hair itself is the woman’s prayer veiling.
- The uncovered head for men and covered head for women applies only to the church service. This ordinance is not meant to be practiced in everyday life.
We will address each of these arguments in the appropriate place within this article. The favorite of liberal scholars is the first argument, that the veiling of women and the uncovered head of men was just an ancient cultural tradition unbinding to Christians. In effect, they read it: “Now, I praise you, brethren, for keeping the traditions of the culture there in Corinth.” The Apostle says no such thing. “I praise you brethren for keeping the traditions just as I delivered them to you.” Paul was a stranger in Corinth. He brought the tradition that he had received from Christ to be delivered to His churches. They were not his ideas, but the commandments of the Lord.
God’s ordained “chain of command”
(11:3) But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God
The first purpose for the uncovered head among the brethren and covered heads among the sisters in the brotherhood of believers is to remind them of the chain of authority that God designed from the very beginning (for this we call it, “The Headship Veiling”). God is the head of Christ, who is the head of Man, who is the head of Woman. Each brother or sister publicly displays his/her allegiance to Christ and His Kingdom by obeying His particular commandment for him/her.
In the beginning, God made Man after His own image and likeness – male and female created He them (Gen 1:27). To each He gave specific, individual duties and then equipped them with the particular natural capacities that would help them fulfill their tasks. He charged the Man to be the spiritual and physical leader, but set the woman’s highest responsibility to raise children for the Lord. We will return to discuss these roles later, but here at the outset of the ordinance it is fitting to note that the chief function of the Headship Veiling is to act as an outward sign that one understands and accepts God’s headship and role for him/her.
Unfortunately, the culture is vehemently opposed. The very idea of “headship” has been angrily shouted down with epithets of “women’s equality.” The culture teaches its followers to hate authority and headship because it is oppressive and unjust. Equality meanwhile, is fair and free. But let’s get real. The liberals’ idea of “equality” is a myth. It does not, cannot exist. There will always be a hierarchal order in society – whether spoken or unspoken. And that’s a good thing, for we are not all equal at every point. Society is improved by utilizing individual talents and strengths. To deny that is absurd and injurious.
Headship is a bad word only on account of society’s skewed ideas, for true equality is measured in spiritual worth. In that consideration, men and women are no different. Male and female will not exist in heaven. Worth and headship are separate concepts, but the world has conflated them into one “bad” belief. Clearly though, a police officer and an ordinary citizen are of equal worth, yet the policeman has more authority.
As Christians, we must remember that headship authority is God’s good design. The powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God (Rom 13:1-2). Authority and submission are integral parts of God’s Creation. It is no surprise, then, that the Devil teaches the world’s culture to reject authority and sneer at submission. Women in particular are taught to be immodest instead of discreet, to be promiscuous instead of chaste, to live for self instead of being keepers at home, to be bad instead of good, and to be rebellious instead of obedient to their own husbands (see Titus 2:5). The culture categorically rejects that women be in subjection to their own husbands (1Pet 3:1). The woman stands on her own authority, the world says.
Please hear this: all authority is contingent upon submission to a higher authority. With only a handful of exceptions, every person’s authority is ratified by upward submission. Even the authority and power of Christ came after He submitted to the will of the Father. Amazingly, God used a Roman centurion to teach us this truth. Jesus was on His way to heal this man’s servant when he sent Him a message, Lord, trouble not thyself…but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed. For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. When Jesus heard these things, He marveled (Luke 7:1-10).
This centurion understood that Jesus’ authority came because He was Himself under authority. I also am a man set under authority. He saw the power of Christ and knew automatically that Jesus was a person submissive and obedient to His authority figure. Power is directly linked to submission; authority is a result of accepting and submitting to your authority above. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels (v10). It is a principle true in all of life and a very important one at that, whether in the home, church, government or work force. Power grows at the same rate that a person submits to the authorities in his/her life.
Brothers and sisters, you receive the power of Christ by humbling yourself and submitting to the authority that God has asked of you. If you do not obey and will not submit, then you have chosen the camp of that wicked one and his demons that also rebelled against God. Power does exist outside of submission, but its basis will always be outside of God’s authority. And that is rebellion.
Years ago, I had a leadership role in a manufacturing company and met daily with department heads under my responsibility. However, I was constantly observing the workers under them, watching how they responded to problems, and evaluating their attitudes and work habits. Why? To know who was ready to move up. While I was young and inexperienced in those days, I soon learned that people who were good submitters were also good leaders and that non-submissive people made terrible bosses. Sometimes workers would complain, “Why was he promoted and not me? I have more experience, I’m better educated, etc.” The simple fact is that know-it-all, non-submissive attitudes are production killers. The person who shines at submitting to his authorities is the person who will shine in a position of authority.
The symbolism of Head and Body
The Scripture compares the headship principle as it concerns the man and woman to the authority structure of Christ and God. Nobody has a problem with the authority of the Father over the Son, yet many have a huge problem with the head of the woman (being) the man. This blindness of thought is a result of thinking with the natural mind instead of spiritually. Remember, the ordinances were brought from an external source and delivered to the churches of Christ. They do not simply fall into the human mind by rational thought because the natural mind will not accept spiritual things (1Cor 2:12).
John Chrysostom was impressed by the symbols that the Holy Spirit chose to illustrate the authority principle in Mankind – not a master/servant or king/subject relationship, but the head and body. This imagery highlights union, for the physical body cannot exist without a head, nor can the head exist without a body. Which is exactly what the Apostle says in verse 11, Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. The head and body work together, they have the same goals and purpose. They don’t compete with each other, they don’t envy each other, they don’t fight against each other; they are one body (1Cor 12:12).
Moreover, the head and body being one organism agrees with Jesus’ description of the husband and wife: They twain shall be one flesh (Mark 10:8). That is a beautiful picture. Yes, there is a head above, but without the heart, legs and arms, it’s not going to accomplish anything. Nor are those arms and legs of any use without a head. The husband and wife are joined in a symbiotic relationship. They are interdependent, one body.
So the one who chafes at the idea that man is the head of woman has a flawed concept of God and Christ, for these are parallel relationships. Jesus said, “I and My Father are One…but my Father is greater than Me” (John 10:30; 14:28). There is no competition, no jealousy, no power struggles in the Trinity. Indeed, Mankind has no better example of headship than the intimate communion of Christ and the Father, in which loving authority and peaceful submission stand out respectively as the highest goals for Man and Woman. Like God and Christ, the husband and wife work in loving, respectful harmony of purpose.
The husband should exercise leadership according to God’s high example of wisdom and preferential love. And just as God has highly exalted Christ and given Him a name above all names, the wife who honors her husband and is submissive to his leadership cannot fail to be elevated to his highest position of love and appreciation. For this husband, leadership is a sacred responsibility; and for this wife, submission is an honorable vocation. They are equally important positions that God ordained for equally meaningful blessings. To do His good will is not a burdensome chore, it is our joy and pleasure (Ps 16:11).
Interestingly, the Scriptures do not list the order of authority from top to bottom as we would expect – God the head of Christ, Christ the head of Man, Man the head of Woman. Instead, they are given in duplet form: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

This little sketch illustrates two key truths. First, it reminds us that Christ has a head too, so submission cannot be a bad word. Yet, God and Christ are so equal in our minds that we have difficulty separating their levels of authority. The same is true with Man and Woman; they are similarly equals, just as God with Christ. Second, it reminds Mankind of their responsibilities. The man is to point the world to God by leading in wisdom and goodness, just as God with Christ. And the woman is to point the world to Christ by peaceful submission, just as Christ with God.
God has charged the Church to preach the truth of His Word, and He has ordained that the man and woman become one to present Him to the world. Otherwise, the witness is incomplete. The woman represents certain attributes of God, while the man represents other attributes. Put together, they offer one, cohesive testimony of the Truth. We must portray these divine mysteries of God so that the world may come to know Him. We must present His attractive image, the beauties of His attributes and the marvels of His grace. The doctrine of the women’s head veiling harmonizes within this mandate.
I believe a key reason that many women are angry with the idea of man being their head is that they instinctively react to this as a 100%-0% arrangement. The man is 100% ruler and the woman submits 100% control to him. This is not consistent with the symbolism of the head/body union, nor does it agree with the example of Christ submitting to the Father (i.e. Mat 26:39). If you want percentages, think of it as a 51-49% arrangement.
The husband and wife should work together in making decisions, using their individual, complementary strengths. The man’s brain tends to focus on the facts, while a woman tends to consider the emotional effects. So when they listen to each other in discussing a topic, they are much more likely to end up with a better, balanced view of the issue. Nevertheless, God has appointed the man to be the leader and he will be held responsible for their mutual decisions.
The culture of the world, and sadly many churches, will not learn the good order of God for Mankind and they are suffering the bitter fruits of disobedience. Nations are in turmoil, families in chaos; human relationships are an iniquitous mix of perversions. Men don’t act in loving authority and women don’t act in peaceful submission. They both do as they please. The Church of Christ cannot prosper with members like these. However, many churches will not even broach the topic of headship because it results in immediate finger-pointing and argument. The human instinct to be the top dog is very strong. Who wants to play second fiddle?
This is the very attitude that Jesus tried to purge from the minds of His disciples, saying to them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister (Mark 10:42-43). It is another one of those concepts that will never come naturally to the mind. It needs to be taught by divine revelation and it requires a dramatic decision to ignore the voices of the culture. Do you want to become great in the eyes of God? Become a servant, which, by the way, is the object of the ordinance of Feetwashing.
The Husband and Wife relationship in practice
The greatest passage on the husband/wife relationship is Ephesians 5:22-28, Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Similar to 1 Corinthians 11, the imagery is head and body, and the headship principle is again portrayed in duplet form. However, a new symbolism is added which will only increase the significance of the headship veiling. The duplets are, the husband is the head of the wife and Christ is the head of the Church. The parallels are strong. Christ serves as man’s example in life – just as Christ gave His life for His bride, doing what was best for her in spite of great personal suffering, so ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. Likewise the Church is the woman’s example. As the Church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. The Church is called to be a spotless, glorious virgin dedicated to Christ, so also the wife to her husband.
Our sketch requires an update, which I formulate in the following manner:

But thou, o man of God…follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness (1Tim 6:11). If you are a man of God, cherish the woman that He has entrusted to you. Lead and care for her in committed, sacrificial love as Christ caring for the Church, knowing that she is God’s own child. The bar of excellence is impossibly high! Nobody can love as much as Christ; nevertheless, He is the example you are to follow as you present God to the world. The modest veil of your wife is a reminder that she is your responsibility – to love, even unto death.
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands (1Pet 3:1). Allow him to be the leader as God designed, while you choose to be the help meet for him that He created (Gen 2:18). Wives are to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands (Titus 2:4-5). These are similar characteristics of the sanctified, unblemished and glorious Church.
This fact bears repeating: Christ also had to surrender His preferred will in order to work the will of His Head (Mark 14:36), yet in that act of humble submission, He gained His highest honor and glory. Submission is the divine antecedent to authority and power.
Husbands, remember that your wife wants to be loved and appreciated for her voluntary sacrifice. And wives, remember that your husband wants to be loved and respected for his leadership of love. This means, husbands, that your leadership should be of such quality that she genuinely delights to love you. And wives, your submission should be of such quality that he too rejoices to love you. The husband and wife that join together in mutual love and appreciation form a unit of strength, a shining testimony of hope in a broken world.
Sisters, I admit to certain sympathy for your situation. Your eyes and ears don’t lie; we husbands are quite less than perfect and even a little dumb sometimes. The fact is that men suffer from a gradual, debilitating hearing disease. “Hubby, can you empty the trash bin? It’s overflowing again.” He makes no sign that he has heard a word. It’s really sad! But enough of the funny excuses. The tough fact is that Christ’s lot in life was to submit to God who is perfect, all-wise and all-understanding, but wives are called to submit to a man that is none of these.
Nevertheless, I’ve read all the passages and the Scriptures nowhere endorse a case for the wife to act contrary to her husband. Even if he’s wrong (and we husbands are known for that), there is no exception clause. As the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing (Eph 5:24). The one concession is in Colossians 3:18, Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. She should not agree to act against clear principles of God’s Word.
However, remember sisters, that God knows all and sees all. He knows your life, your heart, your difficulties and stresses. His grace is sufficient for every circumstance and situation you will encounter. Back in the Garden, God informed the woman of her life-hardship: He shall rule over thee. But in the same breath, He gave her a blessing: Thy desire shall be to thy husband. At that moment, God installed in woman the desire to marry and love her husband. It is not a tremendous sacrifice for her, even knowing that she is going to be “ruled over,” because God created her to feel most useful and fulfilled when serving in her home. And that’s a blessing.
The same is true for the man. God informed him of his life-hardship: “Work! In the sweat of thy face…till thou return unto the ground.” Yet, at the same time, He installed in man the sense of feeling most useful and fulfilled in providing for his wife and protecting her, in laboring for the family. Husband and wife, together in different hardships, but equally blessed in doing them. The world wants to overturn this noble design.
The righteous Judge of all the earth knows every detail. In the day that rewards are handed out, He will evaluate how faithfully each one has performed in the part that He has given to them. So we cannot afford to look at others, nor compare our situations with theirs. Each one of us should be dedicated fully to what He has asked of us individually.
Husband, your wife is a daughter of God and He gave her to you to love and cherish. He is watching how you treat her. Father-in-laws are notoriously interested in such things. Love your wives even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it. Why did Jesus lay down His life for her? Because He wanted her to love Him in return. And that’s how a man gains the love and respect of his wife – sacrificial actions, sound decisions and compassionate words of life.
What if the husband doesn’t sacrifice himself for his wife? The Bible says that she has the power to change him. Ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the Word, they also may without the Word be won by the conversation of the wives (1Pet 3:1; Titus 2:4-5). Later we will look more closely at the woman’s sacred influence and prayer, for they are gems of great power.
The Spirit closes the doctrine on the husband and wife relationship in 1Peter 3:1-7 with these words: Being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. Men and women have different roles, but they are equal heirs of the grace of life. They are heirs together – again the picture of unity. Yet, if they fail to live according to the Word’s instructions, their prayers will be hindered.
The commandment in brief
(v4) Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. (v5) But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
The heart of this doctrine is simplicity itself: the covered head of the woman and the uncovered head of the man proclaim the order of authority that God ordained at the beginning. The man/woman who keeps this ordinance is honoring his/her head, while the one who does not keep this ordinance is dishonoring his/her head. By following the commandment, each is committing themselves to God’s design for man and woman to be in submission to their respective authority, and to live in humility and modesty before Him.
Whose head is being dishonored – one’s own literal head, or his/her authority head? If the former, then only the individual is affected by the dishonorable act, but if the latter, the man is dishonoring Christ by covering his head while the woman is dishonoring her husband by not covering her head. Nevertheless, the question ends with the same answer under both options: God is the one being dishonored when either man or woman disobey the ordinance, He is the one who commanded it.
While the principles of headship are especially important in the marriage relationship, the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ do not appear in this passage. However, the Greek word aner could be translated either ‘man’ or ‘husband,’ and gune means both ‘woman’ and ‘wife.’ One must infer the writer’s intent from the context. Tertullian takes great pains to show that the terms, every woman and every man must be taken as inclusive subject heads, that is, every woman stands for all married women, widows and virgins, just as every man stands for all married men, widowers and virgins. If Paul had meant only married women, or only widows, or only virgins, or any two of the three, he would have made that distinction as he did in chapter seven (see “On the Veiling of Virgins,” ca A.D. 200). Virtually all English translations have rendered the words ‘man’ and woman.’
Thus, this ordinance is far more than just a sign of a wife’s submission to her husband. The covered/uncovered head is for both married and unmarried persons. All people, men and women have authority figures in their lives. Likewise, all Christians, married or unmarried, are called to a life of humility and modesty. Who is the head of the unmarried, the widows and young virgins? The Apostle does not say, but see chapter seven. Bruce Terry writes, “In this case, a woman’s head may well be a father, brother, or son, as is often the case in eastern countries” (“No Such Custom,” pg 3).
The man shows his submission to Christ by keeping his head uncovered, while the woman shows submission to her head by keeping her head covered. These actions are quite contrary to the natural instincts of worldly men and women. The natural woman wishes to display her glory and be admired for it. She wishes to be unveiled. The natural man, meanwhile, receives greater honor by wearing something on his head; to go bare-headed is to go unrecognized. Thus, the Jewish priests wore bonnets and the high priest wore a mitre (Lev 8:13; Ex 28:4); kings wore crowns and Olympic winners received wreaths. Even today, Catholic popes and cardinals are identified by their own special headgear, and the Jewish men wear the kippah. The policeman puts on his special hat, along with each member of the armed forces. Yet Christ taught that church leaders should not elevate themselves. The man’s uncovered head is a consistent action within this principle.
A quick google – “when did women stop wearing veils” – returned this top response: “The church saw a change in the 1950s and 1960s with the sexual revolution. Radical feminists encouraged women to stop wearing their veils, which they thought were a sign of subjugation.” How sad. Churches gave in to the Devil’s clamoring crowd. They took that next step and now they are reaping the terrible fruits. Make no mistake, the primary reason that churches are struggling in this area is because of the tremendous leaps of wickedness that Satan has provoked in the modern-day culture that has bled into many churches. Unless a church is radically committed to following the commandments of Scripture, it cannot survive in today’s social climate. The headship veiling is God’s tool to help us.
Unfortunately, the authority of the Bible is rapidly losing ground in the very temples of God. The Feminist movement, Intellectualism and Socialism have worked their poisonous influence in the Christian population. The Scriptures are now subject to further review by self-appointed Bible “commentators.” Consider this quote from former president Jimmy Carter, well-known for his Christian faith: “I find it difficult to question Holy Scripture but I admit that I do have trouble with Paul sometimes, especially when he says that woman’s place is with her husband and that she should keep quiet and cover her head in church. I just can’t go along with that” (Time Magazine. https://time.com/vault/issue/1976-05-10/page/28/). It is a shockingly arrogant statement, by which Mr. Carter informs the world that he knows better than the Apostle Paul about God’s will for Mankind.
Praying and prophesying
It is commonly thought that to prophesy is to predict the future, but that is not exactly true. God sent the prophets of old to communicate His will to the children of Israel and to warn them of the consequences if they disobeyed. Often that included foretelling future events, but the greater purpose of prophesying was to teach and preach. This primary function of prophesy continues true in the New Testament. Paul writes, But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort (1Cor 14:3), and he says, the gift of prophecy is above all the other gifts (14:1).
Praying or prophesying. Finny Kuruvilla explains that this phrase is probably intended as a merism, which is a language idiom that refers to the whole by naming two of its separate parts. An example of a merism is: “He looked high and low for the missing key,” meaning that he looked everywhere. Merisms are common in the Bible. David said that he cried out to God day and night – by that we understand that he prayed without ceasing. God made the “heaven and the earth” – the whole universe. The cherubim covered their feet and their faces in the presence of God – meaning that they honored God with their whole beings, from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet.
The appearance of these terms, praying and prophesying, is surely not coincidental. They are two crucial actions which refer to the whole of Christian service. Surely the Apostle did not intend to restrict the ordinance to these two actions only. How about singing and testifying? How about serving the saints and helping the weak? How about teaching and listening to the Word? Praying embodies vertical worship; prophesying encompasses horizontal service.
Some try to make the phrase, praying or prophesying, refer strictly to the worship service. They say that the Apostle is teaching that the veiling be worn only during church. Their argument is easily falsified by advancing a few pages to where Paul speaks directly on the subject of prophesying in the church congregation. He says, For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted…Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (1Cor 14:31-34).
Sisters are not permitted to prophesy in the church service, the Apostle says; it is shameful for them to speak in church. Clearly then, he is not talking about the assembly when saying that women should prophesy with covered heads. To allege that this ordinance only applies to the worship service forces a blatant contradiction upon these chapters. Hear this: there is not one hint that this passage concerns the Christian assembly apart from the general reference to praying and prophesying, which obviously takes place outside of the church service also. People are reading into the text what is not there; looking for ways to make that ball land on their side of the line. The Apostle’s arguments are based upon the general roles of men and women which God has ordained from the Creation, not the worship service.
Now, that Christian women do pray and prophesy (and sing, teach, testify, etc) goes without argument. Moreover, their God-ordained domain is very important: first, their own children and family, then with other Christian women, young people and children, but also in the world of unbelievers. They cover their heads in order to be empowered with the authority of Christ Himself. In contrast to Judaism, Christian women assemble to worship with the men. They sing, pray and listen to the teaching of the Word. Yet, God’s ordained authority structure does not allow for a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man (1Tim 2:11-15).
So the ordinance of the covered/uncovered head is not intended for the church service alone. It’s for all those times that Christians pray and prophesy, which is to say, “all the day long.” Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (1Pet 3:15). Pray without ceasing (1Thes 5:17). Be instant in season and out of season (2Tim 4:2). We live in communion with Christ every moment of the day. Obviously, the headship principle continues beyond the walls of the church building, where the roles of male and female continue. All of the significations for this ordinance are important in everyday life – submission, humility and modesty. They cannot be limited to the worship service alone.
These arguments are very strong, to which we add the following considerations. The Christian woman’s veil is also a sign to angels, apparently for identification and protection. Surely that is an important reason to wear it outside of the church building. And finally, observe the textual flow of this chapter. The Apostle begins in verse two, “Now I praise you, brethren, that you keep the ordinances.” But in verse 17 he changes tone and topic, “Now in this that follows, I praise you not; for you come together not for the better, but for the worse.” By this he advises that he is about to talk about the church service, and consequently begins to refer to the assembly in his dictation (v17, 18, 20, 33, 34).
What about the customs of the day?
We noted earlier that a commonly used argument against the veiling of Christian women is that the Apostle Paul was simply applauding the Corinthian church for upholding a wise custom of the day (see page 9). There are several variations to this approach, but they all fail dramatically at the very outset. Paul never mentions cultural mores as a reason for the veiling of women, but speaks expressly of spiritual significance based upon God’s design from the beginning of the world. Would Baptism become optional if it were discovered to have been a social/religious custom of that day? Of course not. The Scriptures have given it significance beyond any local or happenstance tradition.
Nevertheless, for the sake of thoroughness let us consider the customs of that day, for some Bible commentators have cluttered their ideas of this passage with doubtful assertions, such that it was a law that all Jewish women be veiled in public (Clarke) or that only prostitutes went about unveiled (Barnes), etc. Some cite the Jewish Talmud (written several centuries after Christ) and some are just repeating the conjectures of others with no corroborating facts.
In truth, the customs of Paul’s day were not monolithic among the varied cultures, in which Greeks, Romans and Jews intermingled. It seems that women generally wore veils in public, although there was no hard rule. Jewish women were more likely to wear veils, while Gentile women were less likely. Men were also used to wearing something on the head for religious, social and civil reasons. The Pontifex Maximus is a famous statue of Caesar Augustus that shows him veiled at a sacrifice (see also, “When Men Wore Veils to Worship” by Richard Oster). The men of that day were more affected by this Christian ordinance than the women.
Bruce Terry has compiled an impressive list of early sources. He writes: “By way of summary, it may be noted that in the first century among the Romans, both men and women worshiped with the head covered; among the Greeks, both men and women worshiped with the head uncovered; and among the Jews, men covered their heads and women uncovered theirs when they worshiped. Thus Paul is introducing a new Christian tradition, which he grounds, not in the social customs of his day, but in theological arguments” (No Such Custom).
Thus, attempts to dismiss this ordinance by saying the covered head of women and uncovered head of men was simply a cultural norm of that day, or a custom of the people in Corinth, are faced with the severe problem of having the facts pointing in the opposite direction. None of the cultures were accustomed to men uncovering the head and women covering the head. Instead, it was the commonly-taught practice of the churches of God (1Cor 11:16).
Nevertheless, since women (among the Greeks at least) did worship in heathen temples unveiled and since immorality was an accepted part of idol worship, some scholars have put forth the notion that removing one’s veiling was imitating idol worship. So, they say, Paul established the woman’s veiling in order to make sure that Christian women worshipping in church would not look like unveiled prostitutes in heathen temples. Since idol worship is not a concern in our day, they dismiss the headship veiling entirely. Why then, we ask, doesn’t the text mention prostitutes or temple worship? Their idea is firmly based on thin conjecture.
A related posture is that Corinthian prostitutes were shaven. Paul wished the Corinthian women to be veiled so that the two groups would not be confused. Again, there is absolutely no ancient support for such an idea. Rather, the Apostle states three times that this epistle teaches the same doctrines that he taught in all the churches (1Cor 11:16; 4:17; 7:17).
Another flimsy argument used to reject this ordinance is that it implies men should not wear hats. Clearly though, the uncovered head portrays a spiritual truth by using a particular object of spiritual consequence (a veil in the case of sisters). So the man who wears a hat as protection from the elements is not violating the commandment any more than a worldly woman is keeping the commandment by happening to have her head covered by reason of fashion or weather. And by the way, I personally know men who do not wear hats, even for bad weather, to keep this ordinance in all good conscience.
The cultural argument is further disproved by verse 10, where the Apostle says that the woman should wear a covering because of the angels – not because of the culture. We will explore that interesting theme later on. Finally, to propose that this passage is “cultural” opens up a Pandora’s Box of speculation concerning which New Testament verses are cultural and which are authoritative. No, the Holy Scriptures are written for God’s people for all eternity. Although heaven and earth pass away, God’s Word will endure forever.
Symbolism of the Covered/Uncovered head
(v6) For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
In many cultures, Judaism included, for a woman to uncover or shave the head would be a dramatic indication that something is wrong. Under the Law for instance, a woman accused of adultery was to be brought before the priest, who would uncover her head and require her to drink a bitter water that would make her sick if she was guilty (see Num 5). Another example is found in Isaiah 47, which prophesies the ruination of Babylon under the imagery of a princess who is forced to sit in the dust and grind meal with her hair uncovered (LXX – “remove thy veil, uncover thy white hairs”).
According to the doctrine of these verses, if a woman doesn’t want to cover her head, then she should shave off her hair. Her defenders say, “But that would be shameful to her!” The Apostle responds, “Ok, fine. Let her be covered then.”
Bruce Terry writes, “he says, ‘let her cover her head,’ or as it may also be translated to bring out the significance of the present tense of the verb: ‘let her keep covering herself.’ In Greek this verb as well as the previous ‘let her shear herself’ are in the third person imperative mood. These are commands which are conditional based on the if statements that precede them. But they are interlocked in such a way that Paul is saying ‘either do one or the other’” (No Such Custom, page 4).
Verse six also completely wrecks the idea that the woman’s hair is her prayer veiling (see 1Cor 11:15). Observe the logical error: If the woman be not covered, that is, she has no hair, then let her also be shorn. How is she to cut off her hair if she doesn’t have any? Equally illogical is the thought of a man trying to put his hair back on after praying. Clearly this passage contemplates an article of clothing which may be put on or taken off. It’s quite simple, Paul says. “If a woman refuses to cover herself with a veil, then let her be shorn.”
The act of covering carries a weight of symbolism in the Scriptures. The coverings of the tabernacle were carefully designed by God to portray deep symbolic meanings beyond serving as protections from the weather. The very first act of covering in the Bible is also instructive. Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened to their nakedness and they tried to cover their shame by making fig leaf aprons. They instinctively knew that their fallen glory needed to be covered. Another example are the seraphim, who cover their face and feet, saying, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory (Isa 6:2). They cover their own glory, in all modesty and humility, in the presence of God’s overwhelming glory.
The example of Lucifer proves the contrasting symbolism, for while he was originally created to be the covering cherub (Eze 28:16), Satan lifted up his heart in pride against God and renounced humility, submission and modesty (Eze 28:17). The man or woman who refuses to follow Christ’s pattern is following the Devil’s pattern, and the ordinance of the covered/uncovered head fits the analogy. On the other hand, the man who keeps his head uncovered in obedience to God stands in contrast to Lucifer, who took off his covering in rebellion against God
The Scriptures liken Jesus’ earthly body to a veil (Heb 10:20). His human flesh served as a covering for His true glory and honor. There is no greater testimony of humility, submission and modesty than the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world. Sisters, rejoice in this, that God has given to you the privilege of demonstrating the attributes of that God who humbled Himself and became a servant. Made in the likeness of men, He covered His divine glory and was obedient to the Father even unto death.
Interestingly, God in the Old Testament told Moses to make bonnets for the Jewish priests for glory and for beauty (Ex 28:40), but in the New Testament He told Paul to teach in the churches that men were not to cover their heads. It is far from the only covenantal change. See Matthew 5 for several other dramatic changes for the people of Christ’s New Covenant.
The symbolism of this new “uncovering” is revelation (cover – kalupto, revelation – apo-kalupto), for until the opening of the New Covenant, the glory of Christ was hidden, but after His resurrection the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began…is now made manifest (Rom 16:25-26).
To demonstrate this new revelation, God tore the veil of the temple in two at Jesus’ death, revealing the secrets of the Holy of Holies to common eyes (Mat 27:51). While Moses had to cover his face to hide the glory of his countenance from the Old Covenant people, we can now with open face behold the glory of the Lord (2Cor 3:7-18).
The veiling and Christian modesty
The ordinance of the woman’s veiling is not simply putting on a piece of cloth in the morning. John Chrysostom wrote, “But I fear lest having assumed the dress, yet in their deeds some of our women should be found immodest and in other ways uncovered….For if one ought not to have the head bare, but everywhere to carry about the token of authority [the veiling], much more is it becoming to exhibit the same in our deeds.” Keeping the physical ordinance is validated by living according to its principles. The weightier matter is to live the principle, but do not think to leave undone the lesser, physical part (see Mat 23:23). The headship veiling helps the whole church to better walk in the Way, for it reminds us of our allegiance to those foundational principles of Christ – humility, submission and modesty – which are so opposite the world’s values.
In the Old Testament, God required numerous physical reminders of His people. One was the blue ribband rule for all their garments. Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue…that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: that ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God (Num 15:38-40). This simple custom was ordained to remind the Israelites that they were a peculiar people set apart by God and that they were to do all His commandments. It was just one of many rituals, rules, festivals, customs, laws and ceremonies in that Covenant which governed every aspect of life.
The New Covenant however is focused upon purity of heart and soul and has just a few ordinances. It is cause to stop and ponder. Surely the new ordinances were carefully selected. We are sobered by those who have been lost into the world because their parents thought the headship veiling ordinance was unimportant. To disregard the wisdom of the Scriptures is flat-out foolishness, no matter how “wise” the intellectual man who teaches otherwise. Blessed is the servant who, when his Lord returns, is found so doing what he had been told (Mat 24:46). What, could you not watch with Me one hour? Could you not do even the few rules I asked?
It goes without saying that the veiling of sisters is consistent with modest attire and chaste behavior. The Scriptures ask that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but which becometh women professing godliness with good works (1Tim 2:9-10). Tertullian wrote, “For nothing is to Him dearer than humility; nothing more acceptable than modesty; nothing more offensive than “glory” and the study of men-pleasing” (On the Veiling of Virgins, pg 328). Young women (are) to be sober…discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good (Tit 2:4-5).
Of course, modesty is not just for the women. Aged men (are to) be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience (Tit 2:2). In leaving his head uncovered, the man is demonstrating modesty in a different way, for refusing to wear any symbol of recognition is choosing meekness and modesty. Speaking to the whole church, the Apostle Peter said, Be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble (1Pet 5:5). The woman’s veiling is an appropriate article of modest dress.
The principle of modesty is taught throughout the Bible, but the exact details of practice are not. Certainly it is a matter with some latitude in regard to the conscience of the individual. However, the conscience must be correctly adjusted to match the principles in the Word of God. The bounds of modesty have been far overpassed in modern day Christianity, such that the conscience can no longer correctly discern what God considers to be modest and immodest. If one does not continuously exercise the spiritual senses, they become dull and unable to rightly discern good and evil (Heb 5:12-14).
While the Scriptures do not give every detail, they do present what God considers to be modest. The first example of modest dress took place at the beginning, when God made for Adam and Eve coats (Greek – chiton) of skin, and clothed them (Gen 3:21). This provides a good idea of what God judges to be a modestly covered human body, for the fig-leaf aprons they had made were not sufficient (Gen 3:7). The chiton was a garment that covered the body from the shoulders down to feet. Examples are Joseph’s chiton of many colors and Jesus’ seamless chiton (John 19:23) which was apparently modeled after the high priest’s holy linen chiton (Lev 16:4).
The coats of skin that God made for Adam and Eve teach that our bodies, men and women, should be modestly covered. Nature itself teaches it, and by “nature” we mean God, who created Man’s nature. Our clothing choices should correspond with the principles of modesty, humility and holiness.
Of course, an important aspect of modesty is the manner and materials employed. To cover the body with ostentatious, expensive clothing is neither humble nor modest. Not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array…but with modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety (1Tim 2:9; 1Pet 3:3). This rule is consistent with the description of God’s people in the New Testament (Eph 5:27; 1Pet 2:9).
Modesty applies to men also, for God made Adam a coat along with Eve. The church that regulates the principles of modesty differently for men and women presents a disconsonant picture of God’s creation. How clashing to see a modestly dressed and veiled young lady walking down the street with a boy wearing designer jeans and a tee shirt with a picture emblazoned upon it. Young man, the Scriptures teach that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world (Titus 2:12).
Modesty, humility, submission – these are in the sight of God of great price (1Pet 3:1-5). They are the ornaments of inner beauty which characterize the true saints in the churches of the Kingdom, for they suppress pride, excess and self-centeredness. Satan has directly opposed these three jewels. Instead of power through submission, he sows chaos through rebellion. Instead of humility, he sows pride and arrogance. And instead of modesty and shamefacedness, he sows vainglory and brazenness.
Man and Woman at the Creation
(v7-9) For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
The principles of headship are based on God’s design at the beginning of the world, when He created man in His own image…male and female created He them (Gen 1:27). First, He formed Adam from the dust of the ground and put him in the Garden of Eden, warning him to not eat from the two forbidden trees (Gen 2:7-17). Then God made the animals and Adam named each one, but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Adam saw that the animals came in pairs, but he was alone. The Bible says that God put Adam to sleep and took out one of his ribs, from which he made a woman and Adam was content. The picture is that the man was created to honor and glorify God, but when he felt incomplete and alone, God made Eve because Adam needed her (1Cor 11:9).
Someone has observed that God did not take the woman from Adam’s feet as if to tread upon her, neither from his head as if to be superior to her, but from his side – that part of his body closest to his heart – to cherish and serve as his dear companion. He did not create Eve exactly like Adam, but with slight physical and emotional differences that would suit her best, for everything that God created was designed to purpose. Yet in a profound way, the man and the woman belong together. They are one, for each completes what the other lacks. The term “mankind” cannot be contemplated unless both the man and woman are present, just as a padlock without a key is useless.
At the base of Satan’s wickedness is an exorbitant desire to distort, corrupt and destroy God’s creation so that it no longer performs its purpose. This is the focus of the great struggle between good and evil that began with Satan deceiving Eve. He is constantly working to discredit God, to mock Him and to tarnish His Holy Name. If he corrupts Mankind, who are made in God’s own image and likeness, he comes closest to mocking God Himself.
How logical then, that men and women look and behave in ways that honor the One they were created to resemble. The Christian’s body is not his own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. When men and women live as God designed, we honor and glorify Him; but to disregard the roles of male and female determined by God is to assist Satan in his constant endeavor to corrupt and destroy God’s created order and purpose. Imagine someone using a lawn mower to trim his trees – awkward, and with undesirable results. Like everything else, men and women work best when they apply their efforts in doing the things that they were designed to do.
The Great Design of Life
God designed the universe with a perfect eye for organization and detail. It is an amazing, synchronized display of living art. Our human eyes are awed at the intricate, inter-connected beauties of life, from the large animals to the microscopic world. Concerning the spiritual realm though, we have just the barest of ideas. Without doubt, it is equally amazing. The Bible speaks of principalities, powers, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, messenger angels, etc. They are without number (Rev 5:11). Then there is the celestial world of galaxies, constellations, stars and planets. The universe is an awesome testimony to the absolute knowledge and power of God’s mind. He thought it and then spoke it into existence.
We really don’t understand Mankind’s location in this (apparently) infinite spectrum of Creation, but we are sobered to see that man and woman have been placed at the very center of it. This incomprehensible universe was created and put into motion for the glory of God – a mind-boggling synchronization of animate and inanimate characters which ingenuously intermingle in a constant series of acts and plays. In all this marvel, men and women are the only heirs of salvation and seemingly the only living beings that were created in God’s own likeness and image.
From the very beginning in Genesis and unto the Apocalypse, the Scriptures show that male and female are sacred, distinct genders to be esteemed in all honor and integrity. One of the many Old Testament laws that demonstrate this was the prohibition of men to wear a woman’s clothes and vice versa; all that do so are abomination unto the Lord (Deut 22:5). God created the male and female to glorify Him within His design parameters, and the Scriptures everywhere celebrate true masculinity and femininity as separate, equally essential and honorable vocations that shall not be mixed.
To paraphrase John Chrysostom, “If a man or woman does not abide within his/her own parameters and laws ordained by God, but thinks rather to mount up to the glory of the other, he/she falls from his/her proper honor. The woman who goes beyond unto the man decreases in honor.” The uncovered head of the man and the covered head of the woman are reasonable aspects in the separation of the genders, for it matches nature’s (i.e. God’s) blessing the woman with long hair.
Finny Kuruvilla proposes two mottos (which I have modified slightly) for the man and woman in this grand production of Life that God has created. For the man the motto is “Loving Authority” and for the woman it is, “Peaceful Submission.” The Father and the Son are perfect examples of these mottos. The Father loves the Son without measure. His authority is nothing but pure love in actions of benevolence, compassion and wisdom.
Christ, meanwhile, is the embodiment of peaceful submission. He willingly accepted His role, even when it was difficult for Him. Ponder His words, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto Thee; take away this cup from Me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt (Mark 14:36). Now that is serious submission. It took a little struggle to yield, but in the end, He was at peace with it. When a man or woman grasps the significance of his/her role, the hardships of life suddenly take on new purpose and meaning.
Woman, the glory of Mankind
According to Genesis 1:27, the male and female were both created in the image and likeness of God, which means they were given the capacity to learn and comprehend, think and analyze, deliberate and choose. These aspects make them unique in the creation of God. What does Paul mean then, by separating the man from the woman? For, he says, a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man (v7). I perceive two substances to the Apostle’s words.
First, he is giving the order of creation as the next verses explain. God made Adam and approved of His creation. But the man needed a companion and so God made him an help meet. The animals could provide Adam a certain friendship, but none of them could be his help meet. When Adam saw Eve, he waxed eloquent, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man (Gen 2:23). As if to say, “Finally! This one is mine. She is my treasure, my glory, for she was taken out of me.”
Second, the Woman is truly the glory of Mankind. In the animal kingdom, with only rare exceptions, the male is the most colorful and beautiful of the species, while the female is plain and drab. Not so with God’s highest creation. He made the man with rough skin and beard; his features are coarse and his voice is gruff. But the woman He formed with artistic hand. Eve was His last creative act, and He formed a masterpiece. She is elegantly made and graceful; her features are designed for beauty and charm; her skin is soft and smooth, the lines of her eyes, brows and lashes are delicately drawn, her hair is long, thick and flowing.
In all truth, the woman is the glory of the species and unique in the creation of God, being the mother of all living (Gen 3:20). There is nothing so human as being born of a woman. Consider this, even the angelic realm lacks a female being. It is entirely appropriate then that the woman be called the glory of the man, for she is the glory of the human species. Yet, as we have pointed out, the glory of Mankind is badly tarnished and tainted by sin. Mankind is a fallen creature, filled with pride and bent to rebellion and sin. His ‘glory’ cannot be allowed to shine. Therefore shall the man stand bareheaded before God and the woman cover her head.
The man and the woman are made in the image of God and have the same spiritual privileges and values before Him. They reflect the perfect design of God; not in parallel, but male and female together as one image – the man in his masculinity and the woman in her femininity, each representing their respective aspects of God according to His mind and workmanship. Not as interchangeable parts, but two specially created pieces that dovetail in one spire for the world to see and believe in the God of heaven and earth (John 17:21).
No wonder the Devil has worked so diligently to destroy the image of God as portrayed in the husband/wife relationship. Recently, he has taken the battle to new levels, trying to erase even the obvious differences of male and female, and so stain the creative hand of God. The man is stronger of body, taller and built for long hours of hard labor to provide for the family. His mind operates like a machine, slowly calculating the numbers and analyzing the options. The woman is beautiful, delicate and designed for working in the home and raising children for the Lord. Her mind operates more like a high-speed interpreter of issues and events.
True masculinity and femininity join to form one finely-tuned machine, perfectly designed as to function and fulfillment. The husband and wife experience joys and multiply happiness together. They comfort one another in sorrows and help each other in the duties of life. The culture is working to change people’s minds and turn God’s plan upside down. Let us make sure that it does not succeed.
Male and female are one in Christ
While the headship principle is not new to the New Testament (ex: Num 30:1-7), Christ did restore the Woman to her rightful, honorable place in the New Covenant. All of the ancient cultures until Christ treated women as virtual articles of possession. Being the weaker vessel, they could not defend themselves and so were often sold into slavery or otherwise mistreated. Even in Judaism, husbands could divorce their wives or marry more than one woman at a time, while wives did not have reciprocal rights. Women were not permitted to enter into the temple, nor could they give testimony before a judge. Christ and the Apostles dramatically changed the order of things.
During His ministry, Jesus associated often with women and gave them equal honor in God’s sight. He commended several women for their great faith. In His first, great Sermon, Jesus decreed the end to the Old Testament practices of divorce and polygamy. Even the Apostles were astonished that Christ completely forbade husbands to put away their wives (see Mat 19:10). What’s more, Jesus chose several women to be the first witnesses of His resurrection. Those were only the first colossal changes to the tenets of Judaism concerning men and women.
The Apostle Paul, delivering to the churches exactly what he had received from Christ, pronounced these earthshaking words in Galatians 3:28, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Those were new, brave words. And Peter, speaking by the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, assured the people that God had foretold these days through the prophet Joel: I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy …And on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy (Acts 2:17-18).
The Old Testament does not contain one instance of the Spirit coming upon a woman, and just once does it mention that a woman prophesied. Of course, the Spirit only rarely came upon men under the Old Covenant, and just because there is no record does not mean that He never appeared to women. Nevertheless, this doctrine was new and without precedent. Maybe some in Corinth were unsure how far this spiritual equality extended.
Biblical Femininity versus Cultural Feminism
If “peaceful submission” is the Christian woman’s motto, then her inspiration is “voluntary sacrifice,” which is the crown jewel of Biblical femininity. The Godly wife gives up her rights, privileges and freedom, and then she gives her body to bear children. Feminism meanwhile, is shouting: “Women! Fight for your rights. Do what YOU want with your body. YOU decide the future. Say ‘no’ to child-bearing and ‘yes’ to abortion.” Today, even many Christians are quick to discuss feminism but cannot think of anything to say when someone mentions “femininity.”
The Bible is ardently clear: femininity is a precious jewel in the eyes of God. And why not? Those very characteristics we associated with femininity in the previous paragraph are exactly what Christ did for us. He gave up His rights, His privileges and His time to come down and walk the dirty streets of Judea. And yes, He gave up His body too. Jesus Christ is the epitome of voluntary sacrifice. Godly women are but following His steps. The beauty of femininity is that it is content to accept what God offers, which happens to be an absolutely unique honor and essential function in the trajectory of Life.
The virtuous woman who lives in voluntary sacrifice will, without a shadow of doubt, receive blessings in double measure. First, in the praises of her husband and children, and second in the smiling favor of God on that day when He sits down to make up the jewels in His Kingdom (Mal 3:17). Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies (Pro 31:10).
By covering her head with a veil the woman is saying, “I accept the position that God is offering to me. I accept the image that God wants me to show to the world. I volunteer to sacrifice my rights and privileges in favor of doing His calling.” The Proverbs say more about this woman: The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her…She will do him good all the days of her life (Pro 31:11-12). Seeing her sacrifice motivates him to do his part.
On the other hand, a woman who dresses and behaves like a man defiles nature. Likewise any man who grooms himself as a woman. It is a disturbing distortion of God’s order in Creation. A long-haired man is as shameful as a short-haired woman. In today’s North American culture however, the natural division of the sexes is being rejected more and more. Feminism and homosexuality have turned the world’s fashions and norms upside down.
Today, women who dress provocatively and decide not to marry so they can work in a career are applauded. Likewise those who divorce their husbands for any and every cause and carry on as lesbians. Never has the need for a godly feminine witness been so great. Some cultures are even denying the idea that the woman is beautiful and valuable as a female. To them, any argument is already lost. They have been deceived into thinking the woman’s only value is achieved by living the man’s role. Unfortunately, these awful ideas are creeping into the churches and hindering Christian women from following their God-given mandate.
The feminist movement is promoting the very lies of Satan, saying that the only way women can be valuable is to be like men. Instead of rejoicing in their unique abilities and beauties, women are pushed to do the role of a man. And that’s because feminism believes that femininity is inferior to masculinity. Yet, the Word of God exalts both in equal measure.
Because of the Angels
(v10) For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
The Apostle has explained the authority case of man and woman and has detailed the ordinance. Now he says why. It’s because of the angels. The Scriptures speak of a vast, inscrutable realm of good and evil angels that surround us on all sides as they battle over the souls of men (Rev 12:9; Mat 25:41). For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph 6:12). The war is final and mortal – the Devil and his demons fight evilly with the deadly poison of sin while God’s protecting ministers of fire help the saints to overcome these wicked ones (Heb 1:7, 14).
The hosts of the angelic realm cannot be seen by human eyes and are only dimly understood by our finite minds. Apparently created on (or before) day four of the Creation week (Job 38:6-7), the angels are remarkable spirit-beings of very high intelligence. They have supernatural powers and are described as beautiful, immortal creatures capable of emotion, mobility, freedom of choice and communication. Some men are tempted to worship them (Col 2:18; Gal 1:8).
On the other hand, angels do not marry and have offspring (Mat 22:30; Luke 20:34-36). They are not heirs of salvation (Heb 1:14) – meaning that the son of God did not become an angel to atone for their sins. Nevertheless, heaven is filled with these beautiful, holy beings (Rev 5:11; Dan 7:9-10). There are seraphim, cherubim, archangels, messengers and protectors. They are deeply interested in God’s plan unfolding upon the earth (1Pet 1:12) and are in constant action, ministering in the spiritual realm concerning the things of God in perfect accordance to His will. When the angels are not working, they are singing and praising the Lamb (Rev 7:11-12).
However, not all the angels are good. Satan was originally created as the chief angel in God’s service, the anointed cherub that covereth (Eze 28:14). Because of his surpassing beauty and wisdom, Satan’s heart was lifted up in pride and so was cast out of God’s presence (Eze 28:11-19). A large portion of the lesser angels were deceived by Satan and left their proper estate (Rev 12:3-4; Jude 6). Therefore God has appointed them a place in the bottomless pit (2Pet 2:4). Apparently then, the angels do have the ability of choice, or at least they did at one time. The good angels will live in heaven with the saints and the bad angels will be tormented in hell along with all wicked men.
There are many remarkable passages that show the power of angels over the natural realm of mankind, from the single Destroyer who killed all the firstborn of Egypt in one night (Ex 12:23), to the chariots of fire who protected Elisha and his servant (2Kings 6:15-17) and the angelic army of Ezekiel 9. One of my favorites is Hebrews 12:1-2, which paints the scene of a tremendous stadium in which a race is taking place. The runners are the earth-bound saints of God, but the spectators are the heavenly cloud of witnesses – angelic beings and those heirs of salvation who have already gained the victory. They are watching us, cheering us on, helping as much as they are able while we run the race set before us.
The woman (ought) to have power on her head because of the angels. The simple truth of this verse is that the woman who covers her head receives a power that she would otherwise not have. Her veiled head gives her authority in the spiritual world of the angels, good and bad, who recognize her as a woman living in God’s ordained order. She is identified by her veiling, that power on her head. It is no small advantage to have the angels of God at your side! The husband is benefitted by this power, the family is strengthened, the brotherhood reinforced – and the Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of truth is fortified.
The angelic realm observes the solemn order of the church body, in which the brethren live according to God’s ordained plan for them and the sisters also. In a remarkable passage which should be read in its entirety to appreciate its significance, the Apostle Paul says, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God (Eph 3:10). In all obedience and chastity, the Church of God shows herself to the heavenly powers of good and evil. The principalities of the spiritual realm learn the manifold wisdom of God by the Bride’s faithful, modest service to her betrothed. This mystery that was kept hidden from the beginning of time is the eternal purpose of God (Eph 3:9-11). The ordinance of the covered/uncovered head is a striking feature of this manifestation.
Children are constantly protected by angels of God in the heavenly realm (Matt 18:10), why not women? Both are physically vulnerable, which is what we infer from the beginning phrase of this verse. For this cause – it means we need to backtrack to read about the cause. The previous verses refer to the Creation account in Genesis, where the woman was formed as the beautiful and delicate glory of mankind in contrast to the powerful physique of the man. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head. She ought to have the help of angels to offset her disadvantage in the physical world. It is no wonder then, to hear the many stories of veiled sisters being supernaturally protected from imminent threat of evil actions against them.
The veiling identifies her to angelic eyes. Then be sure that it is not so small or well-camouflaged as to go unnoticed. E.H. Skolfield writes, “Remember what you are wearing it for. It is a spiritual “No Trespassing” sign to the fallen angels, and a rallying banner to the holy ones. Surely you would want both sides to know where your heart is, that your soul, and the souls of the family you represent, belong to Jesus!” (Sunset of the Western Church, page 109).
In the last days, Satan will be loosed for a little season upon this earth. He and his demons will go out to deceive the world as never before and the camp of the saints will not escape his fury (Rev 20). It will become increasingly more important to be protected from his terrible attacks for Mankind is no match for his power. Revelation chapter 9 paints a grim picture of Satan’s demons in action.
The woman, by her covered head, is authorized to pray in Jesus’ name. In demonstrating her authority to her husband by wearing a veiling, she gains the power of direct access to God – not as praying and prophesying by the authority of her husband, but gaining the authority of Christ by obeying His commandment. This is the power that is on her head which even the angels acknowledge and respect.
Because of her unique, God-created qualities, the woman is more attuned to the spirit world than the man. From the earliest eras of history, the woman appears more likely than the man to attempt to communicate with angels and spirits. Saul asked his men to find him a woman that hath a familiar spirit (1Sam 28:7) and Paul had to deal with a woman with a spirit of divination (Acts 16:16). Satan communicated with Eve, but did not even talk to Adam. E.H. Skofield writes, “Women are more sensitive to messages from spirits than men are. They have better spiritual antenna, I suppose. This is easily provable today. Mediums, fortune tellers, palmists and witches are rarely men. That is why Satan tempted Eve… she could get the message!”
People typically communicate with the spirit world because they want to know the future, but in truth, the beings of the angelic world cannot see into the future – not even Satan himself knows more than what anybody can read in the Word of Truth. If he could have seen into the future, Satan would not have crucified the Lord of Glory (1Cor 2:8). The resurrection of Christ absolutely crushed the main power of the Devil over Mankind (Heb 2:14) and it changed the kingdom of angels and demons forever (Rev 12; John 12:31; Luke 10:18; Mat 12:19).
Yes, the angels are very intelligent beings, capable of predicting events with greater certainty the men just because they are able to understand and interpret events better than we. And that’s why predictions of witchcraft often come true – but not always. Only God can see the future and only He can see and know the hearts of Man. Only He can read your thoughts and understand the intentions and ideas of your mind (Heb 4:12; Mat 12:25).
So if you are in serious trouble or under demonic attack, do not hesitate to pray out loud. For while God can hear your silent prayers, the Devil and his angels cannot. They are afraid of the Name of Christ! Say it out loud, cry out to God for help and so resist the Devil (Acts 16:18; Mark 16:17). I think that’s why Jesus spoke so frankly to Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men (Mat 16:23). He wasn’t talking to Peter, He was talking to the Devil.
These important facts add serious reasons for the woman to cover her head – because of the angels. Her veil identifies her as a Christ-follower and gives her authority and power in the presence of God’s angels and Satan’s demons. Now, if the woman’s long hair is her prayer covering (as some teach) then this verse has no meaning. Angels would see no difference between a Christian woman with long hair and a non-Christian woman with long hair.
Let us ever beware of that Serpent who connived in Eve’s mind to make her doubt God’s goodness: Hath God said? Intimating this: “Are you sure that’s what He said? Eve, lissssten to meeeee. You have to be careful with God. Believe me, he’s hiding things from you. Read my little snake lips: God doesn’t really have your best interests in mind.” Well guess what, the Devil has only gotten better in the trickery-and-deceits business. He loves nothing more than to sow confusion and doubts in the mind. And he’s awfully good at it.
Because of the angels. It seems to be a rather important reason to follow this ordinance.
The woman’s sacred influence
Power on her head. Here, the Greek word for power is exousia, which is usually translated “authority.” The two words are close in meaning, but not perfect synonyms. Dynamite has potential power, but it must be triggered by an authority. Have you ever stopped to consider why the people were astonished at Jesus’ doctrine? For He taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes (Mark 1:22). And why did the people come in droves to hear John the Baptist? The scribes, priests and elders used the same Scripture texts as Jesus and John, but their words had no impact. What was the difference? A potent one. Jesus and John spoke under the authority of the Holy Spirit. When they read and explained a passage, they taught as one that had authority.
The power that comes from being under authority is perfectly pure and trustworthy because it is based upon the principles of the God that ordained it. Power does exist outside of the chain of authority, but it is impure and untrustworthy because it is based on that wicked rebel, Satan. Jesus and John knew that their authority came from submitting to the authorities in their life (John 3:30).
Brothers and sisters, perhaps you feel no different in following the ordinance of the covered/uncovered head and perhaps you do. Yet, the real effect is not based on your feelings, but by how others are affected by your prayers and prophesying.
I will not say that the Holy Spirit comes only upon sons and daughters who follow this commandment, but do say that the Headship Veiling principles of submission, humility and modesty are the right ingredients to that true power which comes only from being under authority and accepting one’s God-ordained place in life. God’s plan is often broken by Mankind, but He does not immediately throw them away. He works in imperfect situations. Yet, without a doubt, a Christian’s power is limited by his own deficiencies, by not following God’s good and righteous Plan.
We have seen in the example of Jesus that peaceful submission translates to power. Sisters, the Headship Veiling authorizes you to exercise a power given by God apart from your husband-head. By praying and prophesying with covered head, you are agreeing to the terms of God’s authority. The result is power, the power to act in His authority. The centurion understood that his authority was contingent upon doing the requisites and will of the authority immediately above him, for one cannot ignore the chain of command and jump over his/her authority. The woman’s veil however, puts power on her head so that she acts in the authority above her husband-head.
For this cause – because the woman was created for the man, she needs a power to access the Divine Head. Obviously, this authority apart from her husband-head does not translate into an exemption to being subject to one’s husband, but it does mean that she walks in the authority of Christ who ordained this rule.
The Scriptures show that the power the Godly woman receives from Christ’s authority is “sacred influence.” It’s not the “come here, go there” command of the centurion, but a chaste conversation coupled with fear…even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price (1Pet 3:1-7). The godly husband cannot ignore the words of this kind of wife. In fact, he will be miraculously healed from his hearing infirmity! You might even find him doing things before you ask.
The wise husband wants to hear his wife’s thoughts because it helps him to make better decisions. The power of influence is recognized and wielded in great might in worldly affairs too, and that’s why we need to make that in the husband/wife relationship it is sacred influence, which means that it is honest and without ulterior motives. Manipulation and/or contention are not sacred.
What about Christians that do not veil?
In Anabaptist circles, the main reason for rejecting the ordinance of the veiling is a result of looking around in Christianity and noting that others are ignoring it, seemingly without consequences (see 2Cor 10:12). If other Christians can “get by” without veiling, then why not I? After all, it is such an anti-cultural practice. Isn’t this just Paul’s idea anyway? Plus, it hinders the Gospel and damages our evangelistic efforts.
I ask in reply, “What Gospel are you talking about? We preach the New Testament as God’s very Word of Truth. And that is the Gospel.” Moreover, Paul says in this very epistle: If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord (1Cor 14:37).
Is the Bible authoritative? Is it really God’s Word, worthy of being trusted on all matters pertaining unto salvation? If we answer “yes,” then all that remains is to carefully study to do it. Right is right even when nobody does it; wrong is wrong even when everyone does it. Let’s leave the matter of judging in the hands of God and focus on doing the will of our heavenly Father. Maybe some do “get by” here on earth, but nobody will “get by” at the Judgment Bar. Then the rewards will be judiciously given according to our obedience to the Word (Mat 16:27; 1Cor 3:8; 2Cor 5:10; Rev 20:12; Rev 22:12). Many who were first on earth will be found to be last in heaven. Sincerity by itself is worthless (Mat 5:19).
Those who cut 1 Corinthians 11 out of the Bible are arrogating to themselves authority above the Apostle Paul. And that is an outrageously foolish thought – to value the ideas of one’s own mind above the teaching of the Scriptures. Furthermore, upon deciding that this teaching is no longer relevant, the door is opened to exclude other Bible passages. The Word of God cannot be subjected to such wrangling; else it is not the Divine Truth. The book of Corinthians is specifically addressed unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ (1Cor 1:2). He didn’t leave anyone out. It will not do to remove this ordinance from the Bible just because it doesn’t fit our fleshly minds.
This world is falling into deeper and deeper bondage to paganism and humanism. It takes real courage to stand out for Jesus Christ and the Word of His Truth. Yet, God is in business to reward boldness. Think of Peter and John before the Sanhedrin, Daniel at his morning prayers and those three boys who refused to bow down to an idol. Think of God’s blessing and smiling favor. Reach out to Him and obey His Word in simple faith. He will never disappoint this kind of heart. He is just waiting in heaven to pour out a blessing that your little world is not big enough to receive (Mal 3:10). But you need to give Him a reason to do it. His hand is stayed only on account of your own level of faith.
Anabaptist churches cannot afford to lose sight of the important aspects of the Christian woman’s veiling. God has given us this special testimony to the world and to other churches. How else will they know? Many churches are practically as ignorant as the secular world concerning God’s order of humility, submission and modesty. Of course, it is essential that we do not just solemnly uphold the visible ordinance while failing to follow its deeper principles. Is there any value in a woman wearing a veil while living in selfishness, insubordination and evil-speaking? Absolutely not. The symbol is not greater than the principle, but vice versa. The principle must be lived or the veiling is a contradiction. It is like a man taking communion but then going out and living a sinful life.
Wearing a veil in present-day culture will provoke stares and animosity at times. Rather than chafe at the attention, use it as opportunity to witness for Christ. It will not do to be ashamed of Him and His Word (Luke 9:26). Let us follow Him outside the camp with confidence and courage (Heb 13:13). Cultivating this attitude will help to purge the unhealthy desire to hide the hope of our faith within and the evidences of it without (Mat 5:14).
Jesus said to His people, Ye are the light of the world. I join the chorus of voices that know this: the modestly dressed and veiled Christian woman shines as the strongest, noblest testimony of Christianity in this world of shameful wickedness and brazen corruption. She outstandingly presents the true Christ – pure, meek, holy and submissive. And she is a powerful example of dedication and purity in life to those within the church. Her witness sanctifies the body of Christ and inspires it to be that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish before Him (Eph 5:27).
One in the Lord
(v11-12) Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.
In the plan of God, the man and the woman become one flesh. They cannot exist independently or else human life will cease. The man needs the woman, the woman needs the man. And when both perform their roles and responsibilities nothing is lacking – in the home, in the church, in all of life. God’s beautiful design in the husband/wife relationship is plainly evident just by observation, yet secular society, under satanic influence, constantly tries to deny that it exists.
In North America, secular intelligentsia teaches that woman has evolved farther than man, so men should become more woman-like (whatever that means). While most Christian churches would never agree with this preposterous idea, many such secular concepts have nevertheless infiltrated present-day Christianity. The very notion of a woman acknowledging her “inferiority” to a man by veiling her head is considered to be an insult. Yet, the wise-hearted, spiritually minded person appreciates immediately why God would establish the headship veiling – it aids men and women in the Christian home and church to fulfill their God-given places and duties. It is a natural, reasonable service (Rom 12:1).
The Scriptures call for men to be leaders in the home and church, to wisely and righteously provide for the spiritual and physical well-beings of those that God has put in their charge. The Apostle said it quite clearly in 1 Timothy 2:11-14, Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence (See also 1Cor 14:33-37). Jesus, while including many women in His ministry, chose twelve men to carry the Gospel to the four corners of the world. Although there are many references to godly women in the churches of Christ, not one was called to be an elder in the church – that is part of the man’s role.
The woman’s primary role is to raise her children to fear the Lord and to teach them the precepts of God. That’s why God gave her greater quantities of love, patience, compassion and mercy. The Scriptures exalt the example of Timothy’s mother and grandmother who taught him the unfeigned faith (2Tim 1:5). The woman is the mother of all human life, her role is essential. She shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety – not that the woman is literally saved by having children, but that her high vocation is to raise a Godly seed for the Church of Jesus Christ.
The churches of the Kingdom depend upon the success of her hand in this life-long mission to propagate the faith unto future generations. History is filled with testimonies of men and women who attribute their salvation to their mother’s prayers and daily ministrations. May it never be said that the woman was not given a particular life-mission, but was charged only with supporting her husband. Her assignment might not be the glamorous one of standing before the people and preaching the Word to the congregation, but the importance of her life-work as a Christian mother can never be overstated.
Oh, how the world needs Godly mothers! Her sacred influences can move mountains and her children will not forget them. Even after death, the law of (their) mother remains alive in their hearts.
The argument from nature
(v13-15) Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Here Paul gives a final reason why a woman should be veiled, which is the case of natural physiology. By nature a woman grows long hair while a man’s hair is shorter. It is not uncommon for a woman’s hair to reach to the knees. Nature itself, in giving the woman long hair like a veil and men much shorter hair, teaches that the woman should be veiled. Their natural hair-covering calls for a veil-covering.
This argument has the same ground as the one in verse six, For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn. That is, if she refuses her veil-covering, let her refuse nature’s hair-covering also, for it is as much a shame for a woman to be shorn as it is for her to be uncovered before God.
If a woman’s long hair is a glory to her, judge yourselves: is it proper for her to uncover her hair when praying to God? No. She should approach God in humility, submission and modesty. She should cover her glory. For as we have shown earlier, the woman is the glory of the man (v7); she is the splendor of the species. However, that glory is fallen and therefore should be covered.
There is one man that the Bible seems to describe as a “perfect natural man,” in almost eerie parallel to Satan. Absalom was a marvel of human perfection and highly praised for his beauty: from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him. He also had hair like a woman, so thick and long that when he cut it each year it weighed 200 shekels (2Sam 14:25-26). Absalom stood out as the high glory of Mankind, but when he took the path of pride, deception and rebellion, he suffered an equally ignoble end as Satan – he was killed and cast into a great pit in the woods for his wickedness against his father, King David.
Nature’s covering comes natural to a woman; she need do nothing to be covered by it. Not so with the covering for prayer and prophecy, which the woman must choose to put on. John Chrysostom made the following observation, “If (her hair) be given her for a covering…wherefore need she add another covering? That not nature only, but also her own will may have part in her acknowledgment of subjection. For that thou oughtest to be covered nature herself by anticipation enacted a law (by giving her long hair). Add now, I pray, thine own part also (and cover thy head) that thou mayest not seem to subvert the very laws of nature” (homily 26 on 1Corinthians, text in parenthesis added for clarity).
“Her hair is given her for a covering”
An argument frequently employed against the headship veiling ordinance is that the woman’s long hair is her prayer-covering. This approach is often used by once-conservative people who remove their head coverings. Believing still in the infallibility of the Scriptures, they see the terrible danger inherent in the “cultural tradition” argument of the liberal scholars and so resort to this tactic, which as I suppose, the liberals have rejected for being impossibly damaging to logic itself.
Again, the Apostle’s point is that the woman’s natural hair-covering calls for her to be veil-covered. This is more easily seen in the Greek, where the word for nature’s covering in verse 15 is peribolaion. This word is a noun and does not appear elsewhere in the passage, even as another part of speech. It is absolutely alone here. Instead, we find the word covered is katakephale (v4) or katakalupto (v5,6,7,13). The latter is a verb that means to wrap up and cover (katakalumma is the noun-form). Nature’s hair is a covering (peribolaion), but it is not the covering which a woman should wear while praying and prophesying. The correct word for that covering would be katakalumma (veil, covering) to correspond with katakalupto, which in verse 7 is in present tense imperative form, meaning that an action is required – “let her keep covering herself.”
A quick word study in the Septuagint conclusively confirms the above. In the case of katakephale, we find this sentence in Esther 6:12, Haman hasted to his house mourning, and having his head covered (katakephale). He was so mortified by the day’s events – having to run ahead of his enemy, Mordecai, and proclaim the king’s honor – that he covered his head and hurried home. Surely it cannot mean that he put on more hair to cover his head.
The same is true for the word kalupto (covered). In 1 Corinthians 11 the Apostle added the prefix, kata. The Greek version of 2Samuel 15:30 describes David ascending mount Olivet, weeping, barefoot, and with his head covered, and everyone with him covered every man his head (epi kalupto). Another example is Genesis 38:15, where Judah mistook Tamar to be an harlot; because she had covered her face (katakalupto). Moses was instructed to screen (katakalupto) with the veil the Ark of the Testimony (Ex 26:34, LXX).
Peribolaion, meanwhile, is a multipurpose word, a noun that is typically translated “covering” or “garment” (see Ex 22:27; Job 26:6; Ps 104:6; Isa 50:3; Heb 1:12). The natural peribolaion of the woman demonstrates that she should be katakalupto. Her long glorious hair serves as a beautiful natural veil, and teaches that she should cover her head with a veil.
Here is a summary of issues that arise with the proposal that the woman’s long hair is her prayer-covering. 1) It entertains the impossible situation of a person removing his or her hair and then putting it back on. 2) The woman’s long hair is a glory to her; then it should be covered. 3) If the Apostle wished to communicate that the woman’s long hair is her prayer-covering, why didn’t he just say so? Surely he would have written, “Every man praying or prophesying having long hair dishonors his head, and every woman that prays or prophesies with short hair dishonors her head” (v4-5). Instead, he finishes that part by saying, “if a woman be not covered, let her also be shorn.” If the hair is her covering, then the whole passage becomes an absurdity, being based on several impossibilities. 4) Christian women should be veiled on account of the angels (v10). Yet, if hair is the veiling, how will the angels know the difference between pious women and the ungodly? 5) If the woman’s hair is the covered head that the Apostle taught in all the churches, why did women in the early churches all wear veils? Indeed, it has been the standard, universal practice of the Church ever since 1 Corinthians 11 was written. Only in the last 200 years or so has that changed.
In Latin American countries, the pre-dominant excuse for not practicing the veiling of Christian women is “the hair is the covering” fallacy. Presented the full passage, the evangelical will revert to repeating again and again, “But, her hair is given her for a covering.” They annul the entire passage by citing a fallacious extrapolation of this phrase.
This approach is disturbingly premised upon accepting that the Bible here contains a serious error. They choose to believe the Apostle misspoke at verse 6 and then force their specious interpretation of that phrase in verse 16. Wasn’t that the very error of the Pharisees? They evaded a clear commandment by invoking a supposed counter-commandment (Mark 7:10-13). Take heed; for many “wrest the Word to their own destruction” (2Pet 3:16).
What if some are contentious?
(v16) But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.
Some recent Bible commentators have taken this final verse to mean, “But if anyone disagrees, then just forget the whole thing.” Yet as Bruce Terry says, “It hardly seems likely that Paul would write for thirteen verses arguing for and even commanding a practice and then at the end say, ‘But if you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to.’” The NIV and NASB translators have rectified the contradiction by rendering it: We have no other custom, nor do the churches of God.
There is another, better option that makes the KJV read perfectly normal. Remember that Paul is answering a question put to him by the Corinthians (see comments on verse 2). They asked (as I suppose): “Is it lawful for a woman to go about unveiled?” The Apostle gives careful answer and ends: “Let any person who wishes to argue the matter observe that the churches of God have no such custom (of women praying or prophesying with uncovered heads).”
Notice that the same rendering also fits the alternate question, “Should Christian men cover their heads?” Answer: “We have no such custom.”
Regardless of the wording, Paul clearly intends to point out to the Corinthians that he is teaching exactly what the other churches of God were already doing. In effect he is saying, “And if you don’t like it, I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is” (Bruce Terry).
There is no translation problem here, just a reading problem for those who seek to disregard this teaching. The bald fact is that there would be no trouble at all to understand this passage if not for the sad recent history of Christian men and women to ignore it. That assertion is corroborated by John Chrysostom’s fourth century comment on this verse: “It is then contentiousness to oppose these things, and not any exercise of reason…However, even if the Corinthians were then contentious, yet now the whole world hath both received and kept this law.”
Does it matter to God?
How does God view those who do not follow this commandment? Is it a “salvation issue” that will keep a person out of heaven? Those are questions that God alone can answer. It is not our place to judge another man’s servant (Rom 14:4), although we are called to hold those within our own church body to the standard of the Scriptures (1Cor 5:12-13). It is sufficient to us, having the will of God in our hands (James 4:17), to be doers of the Word (James 1:22), in all things being an example of obedience to the churches of Christ. The judgments of God are perfect and righteous. He takes into account those that are ignorant and also those that know His will, but refuse to do it (Luke 12:47-48).
I have seen firsthand what happens when an Anabaptist family decides that the Christian woman’s veiling is not necessary. It is virtually always a spiritually fatal step, if not for the parents then for the children. A person deceived does not know he is deceived – he thinks he is ever so right, even “enlightened.” How difficult then, bordering on impossible, for such people to recognize that they are deceived. Once started down the path there is no stopping, no check to the headlong rush to the cliff. Never once has the result turned out otherwise. Every time it ends in disaster, a shipwreck of souls that only Satan enjoys. Removing the head covering is almost always a reflection of a pre-existing condition – an unsubmissive heart that is set upon taking its own path.
Do you have full faith in God’s Word? Do you really believe that it can make you wise unto salvation (2Tim 3:15)? Then embrace it like Peter, fully and enthusiastically, “Lord, don’t wash just my feet, do my hands and head too.” Live according to the example of Abraham, who obeyed God’s command even though he didn’t understand it all. Remember the high favor of God afterwards, “Because you have done this thing and obeyed My voice, I will bless you and multiply your seed like the sands of the sea” (Gen 22:10-18).
I doubt not that a corresponding reward awaits those that obey His voice in this commandment. “Well done, thou faithful servant, well done! Enter into the joy of your Lord!”
On the other hand, remember the example of Saul who, because he rejected the Word of the Lord in not waiting for Samuel, was in turn rejected by God (1Sam 15:26). Remember too that God sent a lion to kill His own prophet for hearkening to the voice of the false prophet (1Kings 13). Add the case of Moses that we’ve already mentioned and we burst abruptly into the valley of decision.
So be ever so wary when someone says, “This isn’t a salvation issue.” How do they know? Did God really sanction the Holy Spirit to enter optional doctrines in His Word? And who is the man of such high authority to point out these noncompulsory commandments? “Baptism is essential to salvation, but the head veiling is not.”
We are very content to leave those judgments to the all-merciful, all-righteous Judge of all the earth. He will decide all on that Day. Nevertheless, Jesus sent the Spirit to record the will of God in the Holy Scriptures and He has said, He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day (John 12:48). Christ gave the doctrine of the head veiling to the Apostle Paul, who writing by the Spirit delivered it to the churches just as he had received it.
Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46).
Many eminent Bible scholars agree that the doctrine of the headship veiling is sufficiently clear in this passage. Nevertheless, most do not imitate Paul as he imitates Christ in this matter due to one simple reason: the headship principles and literal practice of a woman being veiled clash tremendously and terribly with present-day social thought and norms. To follow this Biblical custom is a radical, ostracizing step that will bring criticism, misunderstanding and outright ridicule. It becomes a test of love and obedience to Christ. Am I willing to turn my back on the world and its ideology in order to follow God’s plan for Mankind? Am I willing to truly renounce all earth’s pleasures and delights to identify wholly with Christ? Or is this one calling that is just a little too much for me?
It is increasingly popular to excuse the uncovering of the woman’s head by saying, “I have no conviction to put on a veil. I see it in the Bible, but God hasn’t called me to that. I’m not convicted to do it.” Ha! Try using that tactic the next time a policeman stops you. “Yes, officer, I saw the stop sign, but I didn’t feel convicted to stop. In my case, I didn’t think it was necessary.” Somehow I don’t think that logic is going to fly with the big man.
Personal convictions have no effect on truth; not even the tiniest bit. What God has said, that is what needs to become our conviction. Inviting Christ into one’s life is submitting to His rule. We must change our minds and will and be born again. As Paul said, I am crucified (dead!) with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me (Gal 2:20).
The conscience is not a static device. It must be trained and tuned to the Word of God. For that reason the Apostle wrote, Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:2). It’s a command directed to the believer, that with the help of the Holy Spirit we work to transform our minds to conform to the the teachings and practices of the Word.
Seriously now, what you or I think doesn’t matter in the least. But what God thinks and has said, now that matters a lot.
Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool…all those things hath Mine hand made…but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word (Is 66:1-2). The Almighty God of the Universe is looking for humble, submissive hearts that live to do His will. A hundred and fifty years ago, most Christian women wore veils. It is fitting to ask, was Christianity improved by that change, or has it lost something very, very important?